this post is to keep record of all sorts of blog statistics and highlights. it is easy for me to find them if i keep them all in one place. it is to remind me of how far i have come, and where i'm going. i will be adding to this post as new statistics become available.
it is also to thank all of you who read this blog, for your inspiration, and patience, and persistence, and friendship, and your comments. so many suckers for punishment in one place...
14 september 2007 - first post ever
18 september 2007 - my first comment, and from wilna furstenburg, no less!
september 2007 - sitemeter records 72 hits for the month of september
17 october 2008 - donna downey leaves a comment on this post
october 2007 - sitemeter records 186 hits for the month of october
november 2007 - sitemeter records 214 hits for the month of november
december 2007 - sitemeter records 107 hits for the month of december
14 september 2007 to 31 december 2007 - 579 hits for 2007
january 2008 - sitemeter records 24 hits for the month of january
2 february 2008 - card posistioning systems links to this card
february 2008 - sitemeter records 72 hits for the month of february
14 september 2007 to end february 2008 - 675 total hits
march 2008 - time and about magazine issue#7 features a layout of mine. read about it here
2 march 2008 - card posistioning systems links to this card
5 march 2008 - kwebbel links to me after i posted on having a computer font made from your own handwriting
13 march 2008 - launch neocounter on my blog, starts with 0 visitors from 0 countries. neocounter only counts the first time a person visits the blog, return visits are not included. (hence 'neo'counter)
15 march 2008 - card posistioning systems links to this card
21 march 2008 - scrapscene features my post about the easter egg hunt
21 march 2008 - most hits on one day - 103 hits
28 march 2008 - card posistioning systems featured this card
march 2008 - sitemeter records 667 hits for the month of march, and also passes the 1000 total hits some time in the middle of the month.
12 april 2008 - scrapscene features my post about theresa mariuzzi's travel mini-book
12 april 2008 - neocounter records 540 visitors from 23 countries
13 april 2008 - most hits on one day - 183 hits. followed by 166 hits on 14 april.
13 april 2008 - scrapscene features my post on making a shakerbox and my inking tutorial
15 april 2008 - the inking tutorial was featured on scraprio
16 april 2008 - stampin when i can links me on her newly discovered bloggers feature
april 2008 - sitemeter records 967 hits for the month of april
4 may 2008 - scrapscene features my post on how to edit photos without photoshop
24 may 2008 - scrapscene features my post on how to download and use a frame with photoshop
may 2008 - sitemeter records 739 hits for the month of may
13 june 2008 - photoshop-pack features my posts how to download and use a frame with photoshop, and how to create a softened photo in photoshop
19 june 2008 - technorati gives my blog an authority of 7, ranking it 797 172. not very high, i know!
19 june 2008 - 133 posts and 179 comments
19 june 2008 - the post with the most comments is wow, what an honor! 7 comments
20 june 2008 - neocounter records 2357 visitors from 60 countries. i cannot even name 60 countries...
22 june 2008 - scrapscene features my post on how to create a softened photo in photoshop
24 june 2008 - kwebbel from germany awarded me a brillante webblog award
28 june 2008 - no 301 of the top 500 blogs on amatomu, a south african blog directory. i have been lower (higher? better!), but this site keeps no records of this, which shows how keeping record here makes sense
june 2008 - sitemeter records 861 hits for the month of june
1 july - francois's birthday
2 july - sean's birthday
3 july 2008 - sitemeter passes 4000 hits since the beginning of this blog!
3 july 2008 - my mentor, wilna furstenburg, links to me on her blog, saying "love that girl"
july 2008 - time and about magazine issue #8 featured a layout i made for a challenge. read about it here
10 july 2008 - community walk featured scrappintimes shop on their world map, their first in africa
15 july 2008 - technorati gives my blog an authority of 10, ranking it 658509. it's improving!
24 july 2008 - sitemeter records a total of 4570 hits, neocounter records 3385 hits from 66 countries
24 july 2008 - photoshop-pack features my post photoshop tutorial - how to make eyes 'pop'
24 july 2008 - typepad features my blog on their featured blogs list on their home page. supposedly it is their second featured blog from south africa, and the second scrapbooking blog, after donna downey was featured here
24 july 2008 - my photoshop tutorial - how to put a twinkle in their eyes gets linked at paxton prints, bild och foto and at imaging insider,
25 july 2008 - most hits ever on one day according to typepad's stats - 252
27 july 2008 - my tutorial - fold a origami box from one sheet of scrapbook paper gets featured on scrapscene. sitemeter passes 5000 hits
30 july 2008 - neocounter measures 4128 visitors from 76 countries, sitemeter is at 5331 and amatomu gets to no 167 of the top 500 SA blogs. technorati authority is 13, ranking 533 657
july 2008 - sitemeter records 1559 hits for the month of july
14 august 2008 - my tutorial how to make eyes pop was featured on scrapscene
15 august 2008 - the tutorial on creative cropping was featured on paxton prints and photoshop-pack
24 august 2008 - card positioning systems linked to these cards
25 august 2008 - i posted about celine navarro and the convention, and celine posted about me
25 august 2008 - tracy and michelle and cathy nominated me for the 'i love your blog' award
28 august 2008 - i posted about rachael scholtz and the convention, and rach posted about me
28 august 2008 - scrapscene featured the post about creative cropping
august 2008 - sitemeter records 2660 hits for the month of august
3 september 2008 - neocounter measures 7268 visitors from 99 countries, sitemeter is at 8366, technorati authority is 16, ranking 429 900
8 september 2008 - scrapscene featured my butterflies post
8 september 2008 - most hits on one day according to typepad's stats: 363
9 september 2008 - blog post about this blog's first birthday, and a RAK
10 september 2008 - i did a guest post for scrapscene about the convention
19 september 2008 - passed the 10 000 visitors mark, and celebrated with a RAK
26 september 2008 - i did another guest post on scrapscene about the convention
27 september 2008 - card positioning systems linked to these cards, and scrapscene did a thank-you recap of all the guest posts here
28 september 2008 - a mention of the butterfly post on the messageboard at two peas got me an unexpected and huge spike in traffic
september 2008 - sitemeter records 3206 hits for the month of september
1 october 2008 - neocounter measures 10 387 visitors from 104 countries, sitemeter is at 11 380, technorati authority is 17, ranking 409 737
31 october 2008 - neocounter measures 13 065 visitors from 109 countries, sitemeter is at 13 901, technorati authority is 16, ranking 408 010, amotomu ranking is 266 today
october 2008 - sitemeter records 2597 hits for the month of october
11 november 2008 - my christmas cards were featured on scrapscene. they also got a link from scrappin' mojo
november 08 - sitemeter records 2681 hits for november
24 december 2008 - SCRAPPIN TIMES shop was featured on scrapscene here
31 december 2008 - neocounter measures 18 704 hits from 123 countries, sitemeter is at 19 182, amatomu ranking is at 232, having dipped to below 200 around christmas. 18 603 total hits for 2008. 774 comments and 253 posts
december 2008 - sitemeter records 2590 hits for december
13 january 2008 - sitemeter passes 20 000 hits!
january 2009 - sitemeter records 2169 hits for january
february 2009 - sitemeter records 2264 hits for february
6 march 2009 - sitemeter is at 24 119, neocounter measures 24 106 hits from 132 countries. amatomu ranking is 309. 962 comments, and 281 posts
12 march 2009 - 1000 comments!
17 march 2009 - sitemeter measures 25 000 hits!
march 2009 - sitemeter measures 2339 hits for march, total 25 972, neocounter 26 169 hits from 134 countries
april 2009 - sitemeter measures 2034 hits for april, total 28 002, neocounter 28 181 from 137 countries. give the blog a subtle facelift as a result of wilna's 'bling up your blog' course
may 2009 - sitemeter measures 1663 hits for may
june 2009 - sitemeter measures 1513 hits for june
july 2009 - sitemeter measures hits for july, total
what i used for the banner: paper: greek manuscript, grunge frame from jessica sprague, stitches from anna aspnes 'something springy' from shutterfly, flower and tag label from shappy princess promise collection.