today i have a couple of things to say about south africans being positive, and doing a little bit to make a difference, so i'm doing it in points:
go to the shout website. check out the video and hear the song. it is a collaboration of many top south african artists, who sing the song 'shout', which you can download for R20. all the proceeds go to the fight against crime. it is a darn catchy song. it has been stuck in my head since the first time i have heard it. you can sms 'shout' to 33335, and download it to your phone for R20.
on saturday francois and i attended #tweetuponrails. it was a function where people who follow the gautrain on twitter got to see, AND RIDE, the gautrain. we are the first members of the public to do so. it was an awesome event! and i can tell you first hand that the gautrain will be a fantastic service.
in terms of a public relations exercise, #tweetuponrails was a south african first. a social media marketing event that was successful far beyond anyone's expectations. it was wonderful to be part of history in the making, for the gautrain and for twitter/social media in south africa.
i have discovered the blog of tracy todd. she is a south african woman, who became a quadriplegic after a car accident. she writes openly and truthfully and from the heart. and within moments, your insight into the life of 'differently abled' people changes. forever.
if you are an international reader, and you know someone who is coming to south africa for the world cup, and they are on twitter, tell them to look for the hashtag #worldcuphost. there they will find active south african tweeters who are prepared to act as twourgides virtual guides, with anything they need, at any time.
south africa the good news is a website that collects all sorts of positive info on south africa. a great place to visit when the negatives of living here are getting you down. africa is not for sissies, but it is not all bad, either!
and last, but not least: