this post is for lorianne, who says she gets irritated if she opens my blog and there is no new post.
i came across this pic last year. i scanned it and reprinted it for my siblings, and gave it to them last year as part of their christmas gifts.
ah man! so many memories!
we had this family tradition, where on the first day of school, all us kids had to line up next to the car for a photo. this must have been andre's first day of grade one, that's him second from the left. i am the stunner on the right. if it was andre's first day, then he must have been 6, paula 8, and then i must have been 10. carla was about 3, almost 4. it was probably 1976, or so.
what do you mean you can tell it was the 70's?...
now a days we would not take a photo in front of the car, it does not make the best background. but looking at the photo, it adds to the context, the memories. it is a 'do you remember that car!" moment. funny how the 'awful background' now adds to the story...
we have quite a few of those kind of pics, each from a different year. the school uniforms and the cars differ, but the uncertainty on our faces remains the same.
what are your family's first day of school traditions?
jacki janse van rensburg - SCRAPPIN TIMES scrapbooking shop, benoni, gauteng, south africa