by the way, the tape measure accross the page is not stuck skew, i cropped the photo skew.
this is a layout i made with the photos of my paternal grandfather, arie bakker. he married 'tante janny' after my grandmother died. he died in 2001, just before his 91st birthday. she moved back to holland after he died, and i have not seen her since. i was very fond of her. if you look closely, you can see i did some sewing, on the darker paper, and accross the flowers. i meant to do a title, but could not find an alphabet that did it for me, and did not think of anything to say. maybe i will add it later. or maybe you could suggest a title in the comments?
lately, i have been wanting to scrap simply, understated, white space. not good for a shop owner, i should be 'advertising' stock. and i have been wanting to journal more.
i once read that if people page through your album, and still ask questions, you have not journaled enough. someone somewhere (i read a lot, and widely, so i often cannot remember where i read things) said recently that she threw an old photo album away because although it had nice photos, and it must have meant a lot to someone once, and although the people in the photos were probably family, it meant nothing to her personally, as she had no clue as to who the people were. . you see, it is not about the photos alone. it is about the stories. about the histories. as you page through your album, ask yourself if it will mean anything to a future generation. or will someone just throw it away some day, because she has no clue who the people in your album are?
love, jacki
jacki janse van rensburg - SCRAPPIN TIMES scrapbook shop, benoni, gauteng, south africa