'creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun'. Mary Lou Cook
as i mentioned before, i found this wonderful girl, Suziblu. i really enjoy her 'vlog' (short for video log) entries. they eat all my monthly megabytes, but they are so worth it. she talks and babbles, while she creates the most amazing works of art. inspired, i bought some art materials, and embarked on a creative journey that is taking me out of my comfort zone.
all my life i have enjoyed being creative. there were times where i did not do much creating at all, sometimes for years. other than gardening and homemaking and bringing up a son, i was quite uncreative. even now, i let life sweep me away, and for weeks the only creative thing i do is 'creative accounting'. don't knock it till youv'e tried it, it take a lot of creativity to balance the books.. but i have never been very good at anything. jacki of all trades, master of none. if you show me what to do, i will copy it, but i am never really happy with the result, and i often feel unsatisfied and incompetent. until i started scrapping. there at least, i can live out my creativity, and it often is quite good. there are plenty people who are better, but i don't have to hide my attempts. but always i have wanted a little more. so lately, i have been playing in my art journal. the result is awful, but it is fun. and i am learning. it is stimulating my creativity. my man laughed at my 'art' but when it starts selling on ebay, i will have the last laugh! maybe one day, i will show you what i am doing. mostly i am copying other people's stuff, especially donna's. but every time, i learn a little something.
i am playing with the idea for next year, to ask someone to teach art classes at my shop. for people like me, who will never become famous artists, but who would like to do some dabbling once a week or so. would you attend?
my resolution for next year, is to be more creative. to learn more, play more. i want to get paint under my fingernails. i want to move out of my comfort zone. what is yours?
love, jacki