Blogging is amazing. It is like a whole network across the world. Before and after the convention I had been visiting Wilna Furstenburg and Donna Downey's blogs regularly. Now that I have my own blog, I realize how nice it is when people leave comments. So I started leaving comments on their blogs. Before long, much to my surprise, I got a mention on Wilna's blog. Did you see that? That is sooo cool! She included a link. Then I got a comment from Cathy, who also mentioned me on her blog. How neat is that? One of my favorite blogs is still Annette Scholtz. Her blog is beautiful. And full of useful tips and ideas. And just downright inspiring. Also pop in at Ali Edwards. She is an awesome scrapper. She has an autistic child, so if that is an area of interest, visit her. Becky Higgins, as in Becky's Sketch, is also worth a visit.
So, if you are reading this, pleeeze leave a comment. It is so nice to know that you are there. It can feel like I am just typing away, all alone in cyberspace. Comments are like little post-it notes saying 'I wuz here'. You can tell me if you hate it too. In fact, tell me what you would like to see. I'm running out of ideas, so if you could help me, I would be sooo grateful. If you are also a blogger, or if you have a blog that you visit and love, also let me know the address.
I could include a link to my 21 year old son's blog. But I think he would kill me. The last thing he wants is all those 'tannies' reading about his life. It's bad enough that his mom pops in there from time to time to check up on him. Maybe I could threaten to do it as punishment if he doesn't behave..
If you wandered into this blog, and it's all new to you, let me explain: a 'blog' is short for 'web log'. It is an internet based diary. It is also the fastest growing internet phenomenon since email. (Ok, that was before facebook, but that is a different matter entirely.) It's cheaper and more interactive than a website. It is designed and updated by the author herself. And it is rather weird, to think that there are people other than my mother, who are interested in what I have to say. (Mom, if you ever read this, please leave a comment. I hope you are interested in what I have to say..)
Anyway, enough of this, I am wasting your (and mine) precious scrappin time.
love, Jacki